Tülin Özdemirx2013 - FILMMAAKSTER - AANWEZIG, x2013 - FILMMAAKSTERS - VOLLEDIG- r.tous, x2013 - VOLLEDIG- tous BIO Born to parents of Turkish origin, Tülin Özdemir lives in Brussels. She studied film directing at INSAS and visual anthropology. Her documentaries center on the quest for identity, borders and that which unites or separates people. FILMOGRAFIE ••••••2011 : Rendez-vous sur le quai ••••••2009 : Notre mariage (Prix Cinégalité 2010) https://ellestournent.org/wp-content/uploads/images2013/portraits-realisatrices/images_la_unes/ozdemir_mini.jpg 160 160 Vera https://ellestournent-damesdraaien.org/wp-content/uploads/ET-300.png Vera2013-08-29 17:32:182013-09-27 12:12:38Tülin Özdemir