Véronique Jadinx2013 - FILMMAAKSTER - AANWEZIG, x2013 - FILMMAAKSTERS - VOLLEDIG- r.tous, x2013 - VOLLEDIG- tous BIO In 2006, Véronique Jadin directed her first short film, ‘En fanfare’. She has kept with film-making and has established her own production company in 2010. FILMOGRAFIE ••••••2011 : Comme des héros ••••••2009 : En fanfare https://ellestournent.org/wp-content/uploads/images2013/portraits-realisatrices/images_la_unes/veronique_jadin_mini.jpg 160 160 Vera https://ellestournent-damesdraaien.org/wp-content/uploads/ET-300.png Vera2013-09-01 22:10:402013-09-20 14:05:00Véronique Jadin